Don't Write Me Off


  • Beryl Brown


In the following video the poet, Beryl Brown, sits against a plain backdrop and faces the camera while reading aloud her work "Don't Write Me Off".

To view the video, select the VIDEO link below.

To view a printable version of the poem, select PDF link below.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Beryl Brown

Beryl is a Toronto-based poet devoted to supporting injured workers and fighting for reform. She founded the Justice Singers choir of injured workers and is a member of the Bright Lights Injured and the Women of Inspiration Injured Workers groups. Beryl also serves on the Board of Directors of Injured Work Consultants Legal Clinic and is an Executive Member of the Ontario Network of Injured Workers Group. She was a member of The Injured Worker History Project - part of the Research Action Alliance on the Consequences of Work Injury - and worked on the Organizing Committee of the 2013 conference to mark 100 years of the Meredith Principles. She can be reached at

Comment citer

Brown, B. (2017). Don’t Write Me Off. Discours Critiques Dans Le Champ Du Handicap, 8. Consulté à l’adresse


